Directories and databases which evaluate and index scientific journals

  • Carhus Plus+
    Classification of scientific journals in the areas of Social Sciences and Humanities published on a local, national and international level
  • DICE
    Database for the reach and editorial quality of Spanish legal, humanities and social sciences journals
  • Emerging Sources Citation Index (Thomson Reuters)
    As a new index in the Web of Science™ Core Collection, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) expands the citation universe and reflects the growing global body of science and scholarly activity. ESCI complements the highly selective indexes by providing earlier visibility for sources under evaluation as part of SCIE, SSCI, and AHCI’s rigorous journal selection process. Inclusion in ESCI provides greater discoverability which leads to measurable citations and more transparency in the selection process
  • FECyT
    Quality seal in the 5th edition of the call for evaluation of the editorial and scientific quality of Spanish scientific journals
  • MIAR
    Database for the identification and evaluation of the citing of humanities and social sciences journals
  • Latindex
    Online regional information system for Latin American and Caribbean, Spanish and Portuguese scientific journals
  • Scimago Journal & Country Rank
    Publicly available portal that includes the journals and country scientific indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus database
  • Scopus
    The largest database of citations and abstracts from peer-reviewed literature

Databases of academic resources on social sciences

  • InCom UAB
    Online resources on communication  (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
  • ISOC
    Directory of Social Sciences and Humanities Journals

Reference directories of periodical publications

Content databases

  • Dialnet
    Portal for the dissemination of Spanish-American scientific work promoted by the University of La Rioja

Databases of open access journals

  • Dulcinea
    Portal with the terms in force for copyright and self-archiving at the Spanish scientific journals
  • DOAJ
    Directory of Open Access Journals (Lund University Libraries)
  • E-Revistas
    Database of Spanish and Latin American scientific journals (CINDOC-CSIC)
    Worldwide repository of open access journals (University of Michigan)
  • RACO
    Deposit of Catalan open access scientific journals
  • Scientific Commons
    Worldwide repository of open access journals (University of St Gallen)
  • Sherpa/Romeo
    A searchable database of publisher’s policies on self-archiving of journal articles on the web and in open-access repositories

Libraries catalogues

  • CBUC
    Consortium of Catalan university libraries
  • DDD
    Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB
    Network of Spanish university libraries
  • Library of Congress
    Online catalogue
  • Biblioteca Nacional de España
    Collective catalogue of journals
    Catalogue of resources at all the university in the UK and Ireland
    Catalogue of resources at all the university libraries in France
  • ZDB
    Catalogue of resources at all the university libraries in Germany
